An eighty-five million pound project to upgrade the rail system in Manchester delivered, with the Ordsall Chord now in operation. It links Piccadilly and Victoria stations and spanning the River Irwell and the Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal.
Any major civil engineering project taking place in the centre of a city requires meticulous planning. The design and construction of the Ordsall Chord is no exception. The steel and concrete units manufactured off-site. Then assembled in huge workshops to ensure that they fitted correctly. To make it possible for any necessary adjustments carried out before final construction on the new track starts.
The steel bridge, nick-named a ‘squashed tennis racquet’ design, the centrepiece of the Ordsall Chord. But by no means the only bridge involved. George Stephenson’s original bridge, a Grade 1 listed structure. The graceful concrete arches of the viaduct also needed upgrading and refurbishment to ensure that they are fit for their more modern purpose, and Skanska, the main contractor for the project, turned to Shay Murtagh Precast Concrete for the design, manufacture and delivery of the under ringing arches.
This section of the Northern Hub is not only an essential feature of the new railway system, shortening journey times and making it possible for a hugely increased number of passengers to use public transport rather than private cars; it is also designed to stand as an important part of Manchester’s heritage for many years to come. For this reason as a requirement, the very best in design, technology and materials used. Shay Murtagh, in producing the ringing arches, is proud to have played an important part. Precast concrete is the material of choice for most major civil engineering projects throughout the world. Shay Murtagh’s experience, as well as its technological expertise, makes the company a major player. A player in the production of these durable, versatile and cost-effective construction units.