GridLok is a complete soil reinforcement system which uses steel mesh panels and inextensible steel soil reinforcements to create steep slopes and near-vertical walls.
Comprised of steel mesh face panels interlaced with horizontal tensile bars, Gridlok is an effective method of soil reinforcement. Reinforced soil slopes are generally in the range of 60°-70° and upon completion can be given a vegitative surface. The greened finish is normally provided by hand seeding the topsoil during filling or hydroseeding the finished structure.
Advantages of HexLok
- Easy and rapid to install
- Cost-effective, stable and secure
- Self-supporting and self-locking
- Fully self-supporting during construction and does not require a temporary face support during installation – no climbing formwork, full height formwork or other internal/external propping needed
- Tolerates differential settlement
- Minimal maintenance required
- Suitable for 60°-70° reinforced slopes
- Steel hairpin soil reinforcement do not creep or stretch like ploymer geogrids and so wall face position is predictable